The Corporate Summit 2010 was proposed in order to discuss the international financial crisis and prevailing monetary exchange systems.
What the Madrid Summit was for
On 2 and 3 July 2010, four world corporate and state leaders met in Madrid.
The Summit tooke place at a time when the world confronts the worst economic crisis since the Second World War.
Their goal: to elaborate a declaration seeking to reverse the status of the global economy.

The Summit involved internal and public activities:
This activity have consist of debates among the summit’s participants, during which they worked on reaching an agreement on a final declaration. The text that emerged as a result was presented the last day of the summit.
Discussing through the PiratePad platform, Gustavo Romano, Director of the Time Notes bank and the promoter of this encounter, including participation by Georg Zoche, founder of the Transnational Republic, Fran Ilich, Director of SpaceBank and Daniel García Andújar, Director of Technologies to the People worked in the final text.
The public presentation was the 2nd and 3rd of July at Matadero Madrid.
There were panels and a round table with the summit’s participants, the presentation of the Madrid Declaration, an open discussion and a closing ceremony.