Daniel García Andújar
Technologies To The People
With the confirmation that new information and communication technologies transform our everyday experience as his point of departure, Daniel G. Andújar creates a fictional piece (Technologies To The People, 1996) with the aim of making us conscious of the reality that surrounds us and of the deception of certain promises of free choice that inexcusably are converted into new forms of control and injustice.
He is an historical member of irational.org (a point of reference internationally in net art) and the creator of numerous internet projects, such as art-net-dortmund, e-barcelona.org, e-valencia.org, e-seoul.org, e-wac.org, e-sevilla.org, etc. He is participating in the 2009 Venice Biennial in the Catalunyan pavilion.
Fran Ilich
Space Bank
True to its slogan, “purify your money”, the Space Bank offers a set of innovative and revolutionary ideas applied to banking, speculation and investments according to the catchphrase of helping you to reach your objectives without harming others. Among the services they offer are investments in the commodities market by way of Zapatista coffee or corn, or financing art, literary and tactical media projects.
Fran Ilich is a writer, media artist and digital activist. He has participated in numerous international events. Among his projects figure Borderhack, an art camp located on the border between Tijuana and San Diego, and Possible Worlds, an autonomous cooperative server launched on the occasion of the Zapatista Army’s Sixth Declaration of the Lacandona Jungle.
Gustavo Romano
Buenos Aires - Madrid
Time Notes / Promoter of the 2010 Summit
The Time Notes project comprises a series of actions carried out in public spaces utilizing a monetary system based on units of time (bills of 1 year, 60 minutes, etc.). Following an initial action developed and launched in Berlin in 2004, offices have been set up in Singapore, Rostock, Vigo, Buenos Aires and Mexico City, soon to be joined by Madrid and Munich. One of the services provided is the Reintegration of Time Lost, which is offered as a place for the reception and classification of time ceded on a voluntary basis, under pressure or for arbitrary reasons.
Gustavo Romano is a Buenos Aires-born contemporary artist who works in a variety of media including installations, actions, net art, video and photography.
Many of his projects are presented in various stages of preparation, at times even cross-branching into new projects. He uses media and technology devices as well as objects that pertain to our everyday life, decontextualizing them in an attempt to oblige us to rethink our familiar routines and preconceived notions. He was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship in 2006.
Georg Zoche
Transnational Republic
The Transnational Republic is a group of artists working to construct the first Transnational Republic, where citizens are defined by the similarity of their beliefs and feelings. The new republic will represent its citizens on a civil level, for the first time not succumbing to national interests but rather concentrating on global concerns.
Founded in 1996 in Munich, Germany, by Georg and Jakob Zoche, it has grown to include more than 4,700 citizens as of June 2009, and has been represented at international conferences and meetings throughout Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia. The Transnational Republic’s currency is the "payola", emitted by the Central Bank of the United Transnational Republics.
http://www.transnationalrepublic.org/ |